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130 Movie Reviews

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Pretty good!

In the beginning I though the movie would turn out bad, but I got surprised! The movie was very well made!
Keep it up!

Quite random

But still a pretty good "movie". Maybe you should try to make a storyline and some characters for your next one(s)?
I gave you a protection point.

Jovatov responds:

Well random was the idea, I have some unfinished 'story' movies on my comp. But finishing is the real problem, maybe... one day...

Anyways, thanks for the protection point.

Graphics sucked..

The actual movie was pretty interresting but the graphics sucked. Honestly, I think you should spend more time on the graphical stuff and less on the storyline.
Keep it up!

ikool responds:

ok, ill fix up the graphix... >.>

Very impressing!

I really liked your movie! It was quite short though but the graphics was good and the music wasn´t giving me a headache..
Keep it up!

I gave you a protection point..

But next time, make it longer.. it was all pretty random and it made me smile, but I suggest you spends more time and effort on your next one(s).
At the end, I must tell you: "You are sick! Sick!"

TheCriminalDuder responds:

Personally I don't really like dog. I'm more of a snake/grasshopper person.


When it was loading I thoughthe movie would turn out to be bad. But I got surprised when the movie started and I must say, that it impressed me pretty much. Maybe you could make the loading better next time, cause I believe that alot of people do just blam the movie before they have watched it.
Keep it up!

Jimtopia responds:

I kind of threw the preloader together, but next time I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for commenting.

Very short!

It was very, very, very (very) short! There wasn´t any enjoyable animations but it´s a start. Honestly, I don´t think this will get thoug the Flash Portal, but keep practicing and maybe you´ll make something very impressing some day!


Why did you even make this? If anyone want to see the Newgrounds Level Icons they can find them here: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/lit/levels">http://www.newgrounds.com/lit/levels</a>
You don´t need to submit a crappy flash. It´s just waste of time.


You really got some great skills! The graphics was good and the storyline was pretty funny. Please continue making movies like this!

Svend @Xipp


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