Nice :)
U did well, but it aint like somthin I would actually sit down and listen to, u know.. Its like a loop :P
Nice :)
U did well, but it aint like somthin I would actually sit down and listen to, u know.. Its like a loop :P
Excellent work!
You have really done a great job with this. I´ll PM you when I´m done with Animation Warrior 3..
If you want to watch the AW3 Sneak Peak just seach for "Xipp" in the NG BBS. Then you´ll properly find a link in one of my postes named "AW3 Sneak Peak".
Anyway, thanks for making the theme for me. I couldn´t believe my own eyes when I found out that you would make the theme for me. =)
I hope that AW3 will make your music more famous.
lol , thanks for the oppurtunity!thanks for putting up with my several attempts! I'll keep a lookout for AW3!
Joined on 1/1/06